Adopt an octopus

Adopt an octopus with us to campaign for freedom for all sea animals

Octopuses are highly intelligent wild animals. Their home is the vast and ever-changing ocean, which they swim through at speeds of up to 25 mph. A life in captivity is highly restrictive and quickly leads to boredom, stress-related behaviours and dangerous escape attempts. We must take action to keep octopuses in the wild, where they belong.

Your adoption will help animals

By adopting an octopus with us today, you will fuel work to protect octopuses and end their suffering in captivity. Freedom for Animals are campaigning for an end to cruel aquariums and an end to the keeping of animals for human entertainment.

You will support undercover investigations at aquariums and other captive facilities, to expose exploitation, and to free octopuses and other animals from cruel captivity.

What you will receive

Adoptions cost £30 for a whole year and in your pack you will receive:

- Welcome letter
- Certificate of adoption
- Cuddly toy octopus made recycled stuffing!
- Information fact sheet about octopuses
- Release newsletter
- Relevant campaigns material
And all wrapped up in a box (so it’s easy to give as a gift)

Adoptions last for a year so you will also receive our twice yearly Release newsletter and regular updates about our campaigns, with hints and tips on how you can help animals.

Our Adopt an Animal packs make great gifts for family, friends or even to treat yourself. All money raised goes straight to campaign for the freedom of animals in captivity.

Delivery of your Adopt an Animal packs is free. Adopt an Animal packs are only available in the UK.

Adopt today to help octopuses like Brenda

Brenda is a victim of the aquarium industry and spent her whole life confined to a tiny tank. She never got to feel how free life can be swimming in the vast oceans she should have called home.

Find out more about cruel aquariums and how you can help animals like Brenda by adopting an animal with us today.

Adopt an octopus now

Adopter’s details

Please enter the details of the adopter - this is person who you would like to be on the certificate. Please provide their full name and full address:

Click ’send’ to be sent to payment methods.