Animals are STILL being exploited in UK circuses.
Please take action today to stop this!


The lives left behind. 

This is the sad reality for domestic species like horses, dogs, birds and other animals, who are tragically still being used in touring circuses across the UK. 

The circus bans in place in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, were a fantastic victory for many animals. But frustratingly those bans EXCLUDED animals classed as domesticated. They were left behind by the law. 

This is despite the fact that there is extensive evidence that these animals suffer greatly in circuses. And despite the fact that it is completely unethical and against the rights of the animals to use them as props for human entertainment. 

That is why with your help today, we are fighting for an end to the use of domestic animals in circuses too. We can’t turn our backs on these animals. We can’t leave them behind. 

Your gift will be put to use to monitor circuses and their treatment of animals, support protests on the ground and make sure local authority bans on animal circuses are enforced. 


It is degrading to make a horse stand on their back legs, it is shameful to force a dog to ‘wear’ a dress, stand on their back legs and push a pram. It is cruel to chase a line of ducks around a ring, with comedy music playing. It is wrong to make a dog balance on the back of a pony as they are made to move around the circus ring. 

These are just some of the cruel and completely pointless ‘acts’ that animals have been exploited in. Acts which should have already been consigned to the history books. 

Night after night, being made to perform unnatural behaviours in the circus ring takes its toll. Horses made to stand and walk on their back legs are susceptible to joint problems. They suffer too when being transported for long periods. In the circus that is a main part of life. Hours on the road travelling for miles, being loaded on and off the backs of trucks and trailers.

In June 2024 we released our report, Lives Left Behind, documenting the miseries endured by the animals still permitted to be forced to perform in circuses. In this report we found a pitifully insufficient licensing system that allows circuses to go barely inspected, and we observed evidence of neglect and injury in animals used in circuses.

By their very nature the temporary accommodations that animals are kept in are not big enough, comfortable enough and will never meet the needs of these animals in the fullest sense.

Horses will weave their heads from side to side over and over again, and can even end up self-harming due to the stress of confinement in small horse boxes or stables.

It is clear. If we truly want to protect animals from suffering, we need to ban circuses from keeping any animals at all.


With the circus season back in full swing, animals have been forced back onto the road to perform for crowds.

In response we have been monitoring circuses and their movements to determine where the animals are. Protests have started again outside circuses, as we support local people and animal groups to take action. 

Will you please make a donation today, to continue the years-long campaign to free animals from the circus? Together we have made incredible progress for animals exploited for entertainment. We can’t give up now and must keep fighting until all are free. 

P.S. Animals are still being exploited in circuses across the UK. Domestic animals like horses, dogs, birds and other animals have been left behind by lawmakers. But these animals suffer too. With your help we are still fighting for their freedom. Will you please send a donation today to keep up the fight until all are free? Thank you.

Funds raised from this appeal will go to help animals exploited for entertainment in circuses and other industries. Thank you for donating.