Become a Freedom Champion today

Throughout August we are holding a Freedom Champion Sign-Up Month in celebration of World Elephant Day. Our Freedom Champions are a remarkable group of people who are dedicated to helping vulnerable and suffering animals and we simply couldn’t do our work for animals without them. 

We really need to increase our number of amazing regular donors, so we can keep being here, fighting for the freedom of all animals and exposing the cruelty of captivity. 

Will you join us this month as one of our new Freedom Champions?

By making a monthly donation, you will help to show the dark side of captivity that zoos, aquariums and mobile zoos don’t want the world to see. You will play a critical role in stopping cruelty.

Will you join us as a Freedom Champion today?

🐘 £5 a month could equip 10 grassroots groups with materials to demonstrate outside of a zoo, turning customers away from this cruelty 

🐳 £10 a month will power our ongoing work with whistleblowers, uncovering the hidden truth of animal suffering and putting in place actions to make a change

🐧 £20 a month could help fund one undercover investigation to expose the horrors of captivity and enable us to seek justice for animals

Whilst we celebrate the world's largest land mammal and the majestic and truly inspiring animals that they are, we are also shining a light on their captivity and the tragedy of these individuals being locked in zoos across the UK.

For every elephant who has been ripped apart from their family and shipped to another zoo, for those whose cages are so small the mental torture causes stereotypical behaviours, for those who are kept in solitary confinement and those experiencing extreme pain in their feet from the unnatural floor substrate they are forced to walk on. 

All of these things are happening right now to elephants in the UK and this is totally unacceptable. But with your help, we are here fighting for them! 

And of course it isn't just elephants who suffer in zoos. All animals suffer in captivity and together we must show the truth behind the bars and in the cages.

One of the best ways to support our work for freedom for elephants, and all animals in captivity, is to join us as a Freedom Champion. Your monthly donation will fuel campaigns against cruel captivity, help us investigate zoos, lobby for change and spread the word that wild animals should be in the wild!

Throughout August, when you sign up to a monthly gift, you will not only receive our new Freedom Champion sign-up bundle*, you will also get a free eco-toy elephant as an extra special thank you!

Elephants have been a focus of Freedom for Animals since our beginnings in 1957. And with your help, we won’t stop campaigning for elephants (or any animal) until all are free.

Join us today and help fight for the freedom of ALL animals.

Thank you!

Become a Freedom Champion today

*If you do not wish to receive the Freedom Champion sign-up bundle, please indicate so when signing up on the next page, just under gift aid.