News and blog News BREAKING: Wales announce intentions to ban wild animals in circuses 5th March 2018 Following the overwhelming response to the public consultation, plans to ban the use of wild animals in circuses in Wales have been announced by the rural affairs secretary. After more than 60 years of campaigning to end the exploitation of animals in circuses, Freedom for Animals are absolutely delighted by this huge victory for animals! Lesley Griffiths AM says I am exploring opportunities to bring forward legislation to ban the use of wild animals in circuses in Wales. I intend to learn from the recent scrutiny of the Wild Animals in Travelling Circuses (Scotland) Act 2018, particularly discussion of ethical and welfare arguments for a ban. With Scotland and Wales committing to ban this outdated practice, those few remaining circuses using wild animals in the UK will soon have to face facts. There is no place for them in modern society. Freedom for Animals and our supporters will continue to push for the rest of the UK to follow Scotland and Wales’ example. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who over the years has demonstrated, lobbied officials, attending council meetings, supported Freedom for Animals and spoke out for the animals – what an amazing result! To all the animal protection groups who have worked hard on this for decades – thank you! Together, we are achieving a better world for animals. Animals in circuses live lives far removed from the life they would have in the wild. They are often made to travel hundreds of miles, kept in rudimentary housing and forced to perform unnatural tricks for audiences. If you donate today, we can work together to bring an end to this exploitation in all of the UK! Give the gift of freedom to circus animals now Manage Cookie Preferences