Take Action Latest campaigns Reindeer Events Map Each year in the run up to Christmas reindeer are used as props in festive events. These animals are denied their freedom, their ability to choose, their chance at a normal life in the wild where they belong. New research published this year proves just how damaging these events are to the reindeer exploited by them, and concludes that humans should cease exposing them to event environments and forcing them to take part in parades. Notheless, dozens of companies put profit before compassion and hire out reindeer for events across the country. This must end now. Use our map to find events! Every year we track the events happening across the country that use live animals. The map below allows you to see if there are events near you that are planning to exploit reindeer, so you can get in touch with the organisers and object. In red are all of the events we know of that are planning to use live animals. Click the red marker to uncover the organisers' contact details so you can ask them to go animal-free! Whenever an organiser changes their plans and decides not to use reindeer, we'll turn that red marker green, so you can see events that have made the compassionate decision to go animal-free! Use our template letter below the map for suggested wording, or if you would like to write your own message please see our Supporter Engagement Guidance. Help us to turn those red events green! Find an event near you that's marked in red, click and find their email address to send them an email to complain! You could even organise a protest (see below to order materials!) Take action to end animal exploitation! Send us details of events using animals that are happening in your town! Send us as much information as you can - extra information like the supplier of the animals is invaluable too: REPORT AN EVENT Contact event organisers directly and ask them to cancel their events! Use our template email here for ideas: DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE LETTER You can take action locally too! Order our *FREE* campaign leaflets to hold a protest or information stall, educating the public about this cruelty and putting pressure on event organisers. ORDER CAMPAIGN MATERIALS Manage Cookie Preferences