Professor Marc Bekoff I’m pleased to be a patron of Freedom for Animals because I deeply believe in their mission to protect animals from the wanton and unnecessary abuse they suffer in circuses and zoos and on television. Marc is Professor of Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, USA. He is the author or editor of numerous books, including the Encyclopaedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare, Minding Animals, Ten Trusts (with Dr Jane Goodall), The Emotional Lives of Animals, and Animals Matter. Marc co-founded the organisation Ethologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals: Citizens for Responsible Animal Behavior Studies in 2000, with Jane Goodall. In 2005, Marc was presented with The Bank One Faculty Community Service Award for the work he has done with children, senior citizens, and prisoners. Marc’s main areas of research include animal behaviour, cognitive ethology (the study of animal minds), and behavioural ecology. Manage Cookie Preferences